Update Post
It has been a little while since I posted here. Quite a bit has happened since. We lost our black bunny, Marvin to a horrible illness. R.I.P Little man. He was our first bunny and will never be forgotten! If you follow our Facebook page you'll also know that Suki gained a stuffed animal toy to keep her company, named by you, called Snuggles, but after a few weeks it just wasn't doing it for her, the loneliness kicked in. So while my partner was away I was on a hunt for an older bunny and we found Milton. My beautiful partner travelled all the way back down south, from visiting his family, then on the same night he came with me to pick up the new addition to the family, from an hour away. Milton is 3 years old, never had a name before and it took 2 days to bond him with Suki and now they are the best of friends, although not quite like the relationship between Marvin and Suki. We also have some great news about Dumbledwarf, our longest stay foster hamster, he finally ...